There is one significant difference in paying your bills in Costa Rica: you will not receive a bill. In most places, at the end of the month a bill will either be mailed or e-mailed to you and you pay it. In Costa Rica it is up to YOU to go and pay each month. That entails either going in person to that company, going to the bank and making a deposit in their account or paying online.
Water: We can’t live without water. There are some homes/businesses that run off of private wells; however, the majority of Nosara runs off of water provided by the ASADA (public water) which is run by volunteers. If you plan to live in Nosara, you should understand and support our ASADA. In recent years, the residents and businesses of Playa Pelada and Playa Guiones have faced water shortages from Feb-April when water was rationed. This was the result of a three year drought and the addition of many new homes and businesses overloading old infrastructure. Many residents have added storage tanks to their homes. The ASADA volunteers work tirelessly to improve the system and have recently added new wells. It is imperative that you understand and support their ‘volunteer’ billing system and conserve water whenever you can, especially during the Dry Season. The ASADA office is near the gas station (across the street to the north), right next to the cell tower. and, 2682-1050