Nosara is a wonderful place to raise your family. You’ll notice that most kids here are engaged and even look you in the eye when you speak with them. We do not have the culture of ‘gadgets’( iThis and iThat) and kids are more likely to play outside and come home dirty than to park it on the couch and play video games. There are various theories on the importance of children having an understanding of, and being a part of, nature. Nature is abundant in Costa Rica. In fact, it’s everywhere you turn. Monkeys are as common a sighting as are squirrels. Nosara does not have all the organized sports you would find in most places (Little League, Pop Warner, Rec Basketball, etc); however, the kids of Nosara can participate in organized soccer (fútbol), tennis, karate, dance, music and SURFING!
Because no parents have more than a 15 minute commute to work, that extra free time quickly adds up and allows families to do more fun things together, share meals and endless adventures. One parent recently told me about their kids, “By moving to Nosara I feel like I’ve extended their childhood”.