Having a local bank account can make life easier when it comes to things like Bill Pay for local utilities. It can also save you money on bank fees because some banks have charges for using international ATM machines.
Nosara has two national banks and one private bank: Banco de Costa Rica (BCR), which is located next to the gas station and Banco Popular which is located in the mini mall by Café de Paris in Playa Guiones. Banco Lafise is a private bank and also located near BCR by the gas station/hardware store. Do you know the biggest difference between banking in Costa Rica and the rest of the world? Lines. If you have to go into the branch to bank… bring a book (or two). They finally allow you to use cell phones inside the banks, so checking in with your amigos on Facebook or checking the latest scores or stocks is now an option. It is important to note that if you are an American and open a bank account in Costa Rica, you will have to declare it on your US taxes. Costa Rica authorities cooperate with the US.
You can have an account in either U.S. Dollars or in Costa Rica Colones and both checking and savings accounts are available as well as debit cards. The ATM machines can also distribute in either currency. Both banks have online banking/bill pay and there is at least one English speaking teller on staff.
Where: Banco de Costa Rica (BCR) is next to the gas station and Banco Popular which is in the mini mall by Café de Paris in Playa Guiones.